This is Alger Heights Grand Rapids, Michigan

Let’s talk about one of the area’s most popular neighborhoods in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Alger Heights, and dive a little deeper into what makes this area so desirable for buyers moving to the area. Among 28 different neighborhoods in the Grand Rapids area, Alger Heights has a ranking of number five for best places to own a home in Grand Rapids. It’s ranked based on affordability, close proximity to the expressway, shopping, and its nice, quaint downtown area, including a small grocery store, ice cream shop, bars, restaurants, and even a nice hardware store.

Why Live in Alger Heights

Our team has sold countless homes in the Alger Heights area, and we have quite a few clients that are still living in the community years later, and they have nothing but great things to say about it. They love the close proximity it is to downtown and anything you’re actually going to need as far as big box stores are located right off 28th Street, just down the road. Alger Heights neighborhood is located in the southeast part of Grand Rapids and has a lot to offer. The public library is within walking distance, along with a small downtown that offers anything you need on a quick trip. Looking for a quick night out? It’s only a few blocks to get to anywhere you’re going to need in the Alger Heights area, and that’s what people really love about it. Alger Heights is incredibly affordable, and ranked number six out of 28 neighborhoods to live in with the lowest cost of living in the Grand Rapids area. It also ranks number seven out of 28 for the best neighborhood to raise a family in the area.

There are a lot of things going for Alger Heights, and a lot happening around the area. What you’re going to find located in the Alger Heights area is single-family homes, bungalow-style, and two-story style as well, with a lot of finished basements. What we’ve been seeing over the years is just a lot of these homes have been getting the updates that they’ve needed for decades, and that’s been drawing quite a bit of attention once you see a new house hit the market. The population of Alger Heights is just shy of 5,000 residents in the area. It’s considered a dense suburban location in this part of town. This area also offers a lot of parks and recreation, plenty of walking paths, sidewalks, and easy access to where you want to go.

Home Costs

If you’re considering Alger Heights as your next location to find a home, the average price point to get into the neighborhood is going to be around $230 to $250,000. That’s going to get you around a three-bedroom, one to two-bath home, bungalow style, and the price point goes up from there. Located just 10 minutes outside of downtown Grand Rapids, you’ll find Alger Heights spans from Burton Street all the way to 28th Street, and Eastern splitting it right down the middle. 

Favorite Places in Alger Heights 

Though Alger Heights geographically is not necessarily considered a large neighborhood in the area, it still boasts about 5,000 residents, and it’s all kind of the same tune when you talk to residents that live in the area. They love grabbing dinner at The Old Goat, hitting up the Brass Ring Brewery, and taking the kids walking down to get some ice cream on the weekends. It’s a tight-knit community that people really find inviting, and it’s a very sought-after neighborhood here in the area.

If you have any further questions about the Alger Heights neighborhood, or you want to dive a little deeper into the details, feel free to reach out. We’d love to chat about this fantastic area and this part of town.