How to Welcome New Neighbors


As if moving and getting everything set up and organized isn’t stressful enough, it’s hard to know what your new neighbors are going to be like. Obviously, even if you’ve been in your home for awhile, you don’t know what to expect of the new people moving in.


I think the solution is pretty easy though, take the opportunity to introduce yourself to the new crew and welcome them to the neighborhood. You never know, they could end up becoming your new best friends, being a good go-to to grab your newspaper when you’re out of town, or provide you with the cup of milk you ran out of as soon as you started making dinner.


If you’re feeling a little lost on the best ways to say hello, we’ll be happy to provide you with a few ideas:


1 – Introduce yourself while they’re moving in

Obviously they’re going to be busy and probably won’t have a ton of time to chat, it doesn’t hurt to introduce yourself and maybe bring over a bottle of water or two.


2 – Leave a card in their mailbox

For those more introverted, you don’t need to totally step outside your comfort zone to rally up the guts to go meet someone new, but maybe you ease yourself into it by dropping a card in their mailbox welcoming them to the neighborhood.


3 – Bring over a sweet treat

Even in this day and age where food allergies tend to run rampant, it’s the thought and gesture that counts. I still remember when my neighbor across the hall in my first apartment brought me cookies to say hello. We didn’t become life long friends but we did have each other’s back and would help the other out when needed.


4 – Plan a get together

New neighbors are a great opportunity to get the whole neighborhood together, especially if you all already get along! You could work with some of the other neighbors to plan a potluck dinner and slip an invitation into everyone’s mailbox. If the new neighbors decide to come, then they’ll have a great time meeting everyone else and if they can’t make it, they know they moved into a fun and friendly area!


5 – Take your dog for a walk

If your new neighbor has a dog and you have dog, there’s that instant connection. I’m sure you’ll both run into each other regularly while walking the dogs or while letting them out in the morning. Be sure to wave, say good morning, and introduce yourself to their furry friend!


6 – Plan a playdate for the kids

If you’re in a neighborhood full of kids, get them all together for a playdate. The kids can meeting and make new friends, and then hey, so can the adults!


7 – Bring over flowers

If you’re leery of bringing over a food item to welcome the new neighbors, grab some flowers from your garden or local farmer’s market. Let the neighbor know where you got them from and if it was the farmer’s market, what the hours are so they can go check it out!


8 – Give them space

While it’s nice to welcome your neighbors, it’s also important to make sure you’re giving them space and not overwhelming them. Some people may be a bit more shy or maybe just not as friendly. If that’s the case, you know you’ve done your part to make them a part of the neighborhood.


Now reach out on social media and tell us, have you ever had a warm welcome as the new neighbor? What have your neighbors done that made you feel a part of the community?