Fall Home Care Checklist: 7 Things to Do Before Winter Hits


While fall may be the perfect time for trips to the apple orchard and pumpkin patch, it’s also the time to start getting our homes ready for winter. Before we know it, our lawns will be snow covered and we’ll all be bundling up in our warmest coats as we head out into the winter wonderland that awaits. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. We still have plenty of fall to enjoy and a few tasks to take care of first. Here are seven things to get done outside before winter hits…


  1. Check and clean the gutters. Don’t forget the downspouts, too!

  2. Clean and store patio furniture. If you don’t have a storage shed or room in the garage, you can find covers at your local store or on Amazon.

  3. Drain and store garden hose.

  4. Clean out the garage and car. This is a great time to make room for the car to be parked in the garage so you don’t have to brush it off each snowy morning before work!

  5. Prune trees and shrubs. Looking out for any out of place branches that may fall or break with the weight of winter snow.

  6. Rake the leaves. You can then shred them up to use as mulch for young trees, shrubs, and flower beds.

  7. Protect cold-sensitive plants. Bring inside any plants that will still thrive indoors, otherwise you can wrap cold-sensitive plants in cloth barriers and add mulch to the base.

Our list isn’t exhaustive by any means, but it’s a great place to start! We also think it’s the perfect time to do an indoor deep clean and opening the windows to get a little of that fresh, crisp air into the home before we close things up for winter!