Forest Hills Central High School

If you are looking at to move to Forest Hills, Central High School is a great school to consider before signing on a property. Ranked at the 92nd percentile for academic achievement, Forest Hills Central High School ranked 24 out of Michigan’s 814 high schools in the 2012–2013 school year! Last year, students at Central reached a combined score of 135 on the Michigan Merit Exam. Central has great opportunities for students in sports, the arts, and technology.

Originally built in 1958 with an open design more indicative of schools in Southern California, Forest Hills Central High School was completely rebuilt in 1986, with the exception of the school’s auditorium, which stands to this day. With just under 1,500 students enrolled in grades 9–12, Forest Hills Central High School boasts a student to teacher ratio of 17.8. When asked what she thought about the school one parent raved, saying, “Fantastic school! Great academics prepared my daughter for Ivy League success.” Principal Steve Passinault and the faculty promote a student community of support for one another. And parents notice this when their kids come home!

Forest Hills homes rest in a small and unincorporated area of Kent County. The school district is ranked among the top in the state! Almost half of Forest Hill homes have children, making this community a great environment for families.

The athletics program at Forest Hills Central High boasts all the usuals: basketball, baseball, football, soccer, tennis, competitive cheer, gymnastics and track. But the Hawks at Central High have even more athletic opportunities by way of bowling, crew, rugby, water polo, and much more. The athletics offerings at Forest Hills Central High School reflect the active lifestyle of the community. The school is currently in the black division of the Ottawa-Kent Conference. The school is also proud of its lacrosse program. Head coach Tony Quinn has led the men to victory since 2007!

Needless to say, if you are looking at Forest Hill homes, Central High School will be a great place for your kids! So if you’re looking to move to the area, consider moving near Forest Hills Central High School.